I just got back from an amazing weekend in Nashville, Tennessee! WOW! Emily and I went to a Pastor's wives conference by Beth Moore! It was absolutely one of the most powerful conferences I have ever been to! I was amazed at how much knowledge God gave her into our lives as Pastor's wives. There were around 1,400 women that were there! We met a lot of incredible ladies and became good friends with 4 women that sat near us! It was amazing how all of us just clicked! It was such a God thing! :)
The worship time was OUTSTANDING with Travis Cottrell and the praise team! There was so much freedom to worship God freely and not worry about someone looking at what you are wearing or if you are raising your hands,etc..! :) We sang the song , We are Family, at the beginning of the 2nd day- it was so great, because we all are family! How appropriate! :)
Beth's lessons were all from the book of Galatians. The whole entire theme was "YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING!" God is our everything or He should be! There is so much that I would love to tell you of how God spoke to me....but I have 8 pages of notes and I don't know that you would like to sit and read all of it! ha! :) I will highlight some of what she said. If you are a pastor's wife- you really ought to consider going to this conference! Hopefully , she will schedule another one soon! You will feel so special and chosen by the time you leave! :) I sure did!
Beth used the the whole concept of saying/summarizing things in 6 words. She gave us an Aggravation and an Alteration for being a Pastor's wife. I will give you the Alterations that she gave..... :)
#1- Chosen by God. Have Holy fit.- God chose us to do His work in the pastor's wife role and it fits us perfectly into His will. (Gal. 1:10)
#2- Seek God's Approval. Find your peace.- as long as we seek God and His approval- we will have that perfect peace. Don't seek man's approval or we will always fall short. (Gal. 1:11-24)
#3- Choose to trust. Not to rust. - We have to be people that work through conflict and be less easily betrayed. It is the enemy we are fighting not people. (Gal. 6: 3-4)
#4- Don't ignore. Get restored then restore. - the Word of God is our ONLY offensive weapon we have- we need to use it! She asked us to get 20 scriptures in our heads that we can call upon when things that hit you try to overcome you. ONLY scripture will overcome strongholds in your life. ( it is my goal to learn 20 new scriptures in the next 10 weeks!- why don't you do that with me! ) (Gal. 5:1 & Gal. 6:7-10)
#5-Sow the Spirit. Reap the Life!- Start starving what you need to die and feeding what you want to grow. (Gal. 2:20) You can be ordinary or you can be filled with the Holy Spirit & leave this life extraordinary! ( Gal. 5:6 & Gal. 6:14-15)
#6-Keep the King the Thing: J.E.S.U.S.-We work for God and it is a sacred job- nothing can be more sacred. Keep Jesus #1 no matter what! (Eph. 3:10 & Gal. 6:14-16)
One thing that spoke to me was that whether we married a preacher or came into by de-fault, like I did! I married a teacher, not a preacher! :) We have a sacred job of working for our Savior! Sometimes I take that way too lightly! I work for a King- my King, Jesus! I am a daughter of THE KING- which in turn makes me a princess! WOW! If you are a child of the King...then you have a sacred job too! It may not be in a pastor's wife role, but we all have a sacred job of serving our King each and everyday!
I came away from this conference feeling special and realizing my calling as a pastor's wife.
( which I didn't realize I was called- thought only Joe was- I just happened to be along for the ride since I was married to him) God chose me to be Joe's wife and He knew he would be a pastor before I did- so that in turn makes me know that God chose me too! :) I am one of the most unlikely candidates for a pastor's wife ( just ask anyone around here, ha!), but knowing HE chose me makes me delight in Him even more! God is also not sorry that He chose me! Hallelujah! If God can raise the dead- He can use me and you too!!!! He can use each and everyone of us- no matter how we feel about it! "God has good taste- creative, but good!"- quote from Beth! Love that quote! :)
Galatians 1: 15 "But even before I was born, God chose me and called me by his marvelous grace." No matter where we are in our lives- remember God chose you even BEFORE you were born and you were called by His marvelous grace! How awesome is that???
I went to this conference struggling in my role as a pastor's wife....not feeling good enough and not meeting people's or God's expectations, but by God using His word and His servant Beth Moore- I came home feeling restored in my calling as a pastor's wife. I may not be the ideal pastor's wife that the world might think or see...but I am chosen by God to do this sacred work for Him and that makes me ideal in His eyes! What more do I need?!
My sister was there too!!! She had a really good time as well, and came home very encouraged. How fun!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to hear you walked away from that conference with a touch from Almighty God! I am thankful He used that time to refresh and renew your strength as you partner along side Joe in this ministry that God has called you both to!
ReplyDeleteGirl, I hear you about not knowing what to write about to adequately express all that you learned and experienced. I don't think you can possibly put into words what an event like that does for your spirit. Sometimes I think it was just too special for words, like it was just a unique and sacred time for you and your Lord.
Let what you learned pour out from you as you apply it to your life as a wife, mom, teacher and your ministry with Joe. I'm so excited you had that opportunity and that God moved in that place!
By the way...Travis is AMAZING!!! Oh my word, when I heard him at Deeper Still last year, well, he just has a way of bringing everyone to the throne doesn't he? He is certainly blessed and used by God. I can't wait until my conference in July!!!
Love you my friend...chat with you soon on facebook!!
Hi Julie!!! I love your blog! I'm back in California and was so excited to finally get on the computer and "find" you!! I'm so thrilled that I was able to go to the conference, what a blessing! I wrote on my blog but you really shared the details of the teaching well! I have ladies ministry tomorrow morning and I can't wait to share!! Donita and I enjoyed visiting with you and Emily. We have a funny story to tell about getting on the plane in Nashville.... but I'll share that later! It was so good to meet you! And isn't it wonderful to know that we were set apart before birth for this very thing that we do!! God is so good!!
ReplyDeletePS my blog layout is so boring I've got to update!!!
Not sure if my comment went through or not but I did want to add that your pictures turned out awesome!!!! And yes, you were in the 4th row can you believe it, we were in the 5th!! I still just feel overwhelmed by the way God truly spoke through Beth and all the ladies from Lifeway as well. Did you go to the "Between Us Ministers' Wives, too? It was very good, too.
ReplyDeleteHi, Julie
ReplyDeleteI was great to see your e-mail today and now I'm on your blog (never have been on one before) It was great getting to meet you and to share such an amazing time of worship and encouragement. Thank you for the recap of the bible studies. God is amazing and is working in our lives and I am so thankful!!!!
Talk to you again soon and God bless you.