Saturday, April 4, 2009

Mercy Me 5K Fun Run!

     Today, my whole family decided to run the 5k here in town that the hospital was sponsoring.  This is the first time me and the girls have ever ran/walked one.   I have been trying to gear up for it , since I am the most unlikely person to do this! :)  Joe loves to run, but not me! He has even run the Chicago marathon!  Don't think that is in my future....   But doing a 5K at 40 for the first time...I am pretty proud! :)
    There were over 100 people that ran or walked the 5K.   Some of our friends, Chris & Erin & their kids, ran it with us!  It was fun for Kassidy to be able to run with friends!  Karlee pushed Klaire in the stroller the entire way! (She is going to feel that in the morning! :)   Joe finished in 26 minutes and then came back to get us!   The whole family was across the finish line in 47 minutes! (each at a different time)  I ran over 1/2 of not too bad! :)  I finished in 42 min. 49 sec.  - I was expecting 1 hour! ha!
   It was a lot of fun and a great way for our family to exercise together!  We are planning to do another one in 2 weeks!  My goal is to run more than 1/2 of it!  WOW- never would have thought that I would look forward to running......funny what turning 40 will do to a person! 


  1. Wow Julie!! I'm impressed with that for sure, I hate to run. I have to tell you what I did on my 40th birthday...I skateboarded with my 19 year old daughter. I still had it in me! LOL I think I could still do it eleven years later but I would want smooth pavement :-) not to keen on making a spectacle of myself!

  2. Yea Julie!!!!!!! I am so proud of you! I hate to run too so I am especially proud you did this!

  3. I can't tell you how impressed I am about this!! I'm 24 and can't bare the thought... but now you've got me thinking!! :)

    But here is what I don't understand... how do you run a 5K and still look amazing in your pictures?! That is a real gift!!

    Okay, I'm going to be more faithful to my blog now, so you and I have another way to keep up with each other. Hope to see you soon, but in the meantime, I'm sending hugs your way!!
