Sunday, April 18, 2010

Where does the time go???

I can not believe my little girl is all grown up and went to the Jr/Sr Banquet last night! Where does the time go??? Last time I looked she was the little girl in the dress up trunk finding the perfect dress to wear. Then she would dance around wanting Joe and I to dance with her.

Joe and I are so proud of Karlee and the beautiful young woman she is- inside and out!

Klaire was a little she had to dress up too! It wasn't fair that big sis gets to go to "prom" and she doesn't! What you don't see in most of the pics is Klaire crying because she is not getting her picture taken as much as Karlee....oh my...we have a diva on our hands!

Karlee & Kassidy- sisters & friends! (well....sometimes!) So proud of my girls!

Cool chicks! I prayed and prayed that God would give Karlee good friends at her new school since we moved before her junior year of high school....and this is proof that God answered my prayers!!!

The crew before the banquet....these pics were being taken by a huge mob of parents! :)

Karlee & Aaron- what is hard to believe is that his parents were at the hospital when Karlee was born! Never knew that one day they would be dating!

Who knows where Karlee gets these poses?! ;) I just love her fun personality!!

One last pose before we send them off to have fun! We did see them a short time later...since we were chaparones at the "after banquet party! "

Joe had the last words though...he wanted to make sure that Aaron knew who he would answer to if anything went wrong tonight! (Karlee looks real scared! LOL!)

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